Champions Forever Ministries Bus

Welcome to Champions Forever Ministries! My name is Bruce Crevier, and this ministry was started by God's urging in our lives to fill a need. Our goal is to reach out to youth and adults with the message that with God's help, anyone can be a Champion in Life's Game by following the true Champion, Jesus Christ!
To give you a little background: After we were married, we decided rather than just make a LIVING, we felt that God wanted us to make a DIFFERENCE in this world, and do what Jesus did, "Seek and save the lost" (Luke 19:10). God laid it on our hearts to use our talents and resources to bring His message of Hope and Salvation to the world. People needed to hear how much God loved them! We did not know what or how to do it, but the more we read the Bible and prayed, the more we knew that "With God, all things are possible!" (Matt. 19:26) We stepped out in faith, heeded God's call, and started Champions Forever Ministries in 1994.
The rest is history, because where God leads, He feeds, and where God guides, He provides. For over 20 years, our family, the ministry, and the opportunities have grown exponentially. We now have 12 children who travel with us across the country and the world. Today, we continue to use our "Spin-tacular Basketball Show" as a platform to share the message of God's Love & Hope through Jesus Christ.
We currently travel 50,000 miles per year on the ground, and we also fly across the world doing programs in schools, prisons, and churches. We also team up with various ministries and sporting events sharing the message of God's Forgiveness & Salvation. Because Basketball is a universal language, we are able to minister in many secular venues as well.
A few years ago, we auditioned for the television show "America's Got Talent"! The Judges really liked what we did, and we made it through all four levels, and then, all the way to the finals! We performed before 20 million people on live television at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. (Go to championsforever.com and see the video) This last year we also performed our halftime show for Game 3 of the NBA Finals. At each venue, whether it is a child at an elementary school, a homeless person, a prisoner in a prison yard, a church group, at an NBA game, or on national television, we take these opportunities to use our show and testimony as a platform to share the message of the Hope that only Jesus Christ can give.
We started by driving a 1980 Honda Civic. Over the years we felt that God wanted us to incorporate our growing family into the program. So as the family grew, so did our vehicles! We have driven through five minivans, five 15 passenger vans, two Class "C" motorhomes, and one Class "A" motorhome. These all worked well, but because of our growing schedule, and the thousands of miles we were traveling each year, the motorhomes were not built for the many miles, and were literally falling apart. We heeded the counsel from Godly friends and decided to get something more durable. We eventually purchased a passenger bus because of its travel durability. We converted it into a motorhome ourselves, and for the last 9 years, this has been our main mode of transportation. We currently drive an 18 year old 1998 MCI Bus. We have logged hundreds of thousands of miles on it, and it has been a blessing! But today that bus has close to 1,000,000 miles on it and is in need of an upgrade.
Everywhere we go, people of all ages encourage us to keep doing what we are doing, but anybody who has traveled with a family on vacation knows how expensive it can be and also how much work it takes! Imagine doing that full time!! That's what we do, and God has blessed us with the grace to do it.
But friends, WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Could you please partner with us in this ministry by first of all praying for us in our many travels and opportunities, and secondly, by helping us financially with a much needed upgrade so we can continue to go into all the world and share the unchanging, life changing message of God's Hope and Redemption through Jesus Christ. When you help out with any size gift, you are a part of each person who sees our program and hears the message.
We are looking for individuals and groups to partner with us on the Champions Forever Team to help in this mission. All gifts are tax deductable and will go toward the purchase of a newer MCI passenger bus that we will convert ourselves into a motorhome. Because of the many opportunities that God is opening up, this needs to be done as soon as possible so we can begin the conversion process. For more information, you can go to our website, www.championsforever.com or email us through champions111@gmail.com. Thank you taking the time to read this request, and we thank you so much for your gifts!
God's richest blessings to you,
Bruce & Diane, & Family, (Jacob, Caleb, Isaiah, Katie, Josiah, Hollie, Ben, Micah, Zach, Nathan, Tori & Tessa)